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INDIA, Never Forget Of Glorious Thoughts By Odisha State :-


 Kashmir for looking,Madras for cooking.

Kerala for dance, Mysore for romance. Ahmedabad for mills, Nagaland for hills. Mumbai for beauty, Delhi for Majesty.

Bengal for writing, Punjab for fighting. Bihar for mines,  Himachalfor pines. Gujurat for wealth, Madhyapradesh for health. 

Andhra for hard working, Maharastra for acting.

Uttaranchal for height, Odisha for light.


Sun in heaven shining gay

 Joyful bliss gracious to pray 

The sunrise reflect gold colour

We are filling very pleasure Smile so sweet plays linked together

The sunset is in west

Bird flies off their nest

Neat and clean all around

Cheering power regard found

Mountain hill is good appears

Brook is blowing any hours

Pull parts wonderful evening

Hill rounds sun is vanishing Wind blows slowly west side

Faded sunlight mountain hide

We leave self sunset before

Sunset evening fixed eye

Often, thinks sunlight bye.

मेरा प्रिय भारत वर्ष, कुछ अनुभव (हिन्दी):-

गंगा के रूप में पवित्र है जिसकी मिट्टी। शहद से अधिक मीठा जिसकी भाषा है। यह मेरा पसंदीदा भारतीय वर्ष है। कौन कौन से धरती पर जन्मा, वह एक जीवित इंसान है। ईश्वर ने अपने शरीर में वृद्धि की है। यह मेरा पसंदीदा भारतीय वर्ष है।

कभी बाढ़ के पानी से धरती भर गई थी। उस दरवाजे पर कई श्रेष्ठ पुरुष खो गए थे। और कुछ ऐसे पुरुष जिन्होंने अपना जीवन इस दीपक को जलाने में व्यतीत किया है जैसे सलीता और इस भारतीय वर्ष में इसे बिखेरना अभी भी सूरज की रोशनी चाहता है।

आज भारत माता अपने बच्चों के खोने का शोक मना रही है। आज हमें पूरी आजादी है। मैं भूल गया कि वह पहले दर्द में थी। भारत की मां के आंसू अब भी उस गांधी गोपबंधु की याद को खोज रहे हैं।

मैं भारत की पवित्र भूमि पर श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करता हूं, जिसके बारे में कहा जाता है कि इसने विभिन्न धर्मों की शांति के लिए संदेश दिया था।

                      "भारत एक ऐसा देश है,

                  जिसकी कोई महिमा समाप्त नहीं है।"

My dear India year, some experience (ENGLISH) :-

As sacred as like the Ganga whose soil. Sweeter than honey whose language. That is my favorite Indian year. Which Born on earth, he is alive and well in human form. God Himself has grown in His bosom. That is my favorite Indian year.

The earth was once flooded with floodwaters. Many of the best men were lost at that door. And some of the men who have spent their lives burning this lamp like Salita and scattering it in this Indian year still want the light of the sunlight.

 Today, Mother India is mourning the loss of her children. Today we have full freedom. I forgot that she was in pain before. The tears of India's mother are still searching for the memory of that Gandhi Gopbandhu.

I pay homage to the holy land of India, which is said to have carried the message of peace in the arms of different religions.

           "India is one such country,

                   which has no glory ending. "

मेरा देश मेरी मां भी है (हिन्दी) :-

जब उसे माँ कहा जाता है, तो उसे जमीन से आसमान तक हर दिन खेला जाता है, लेकिन वह मेरी चेतना में है, वह मेरे दर्द में है, और वह मेरी प्रार्थनाओं में है, वह एक देवी है जो मेरी पीठ पर है, रोशन मेरा पूरा अस्तित्व। वह मेरे रास्ते की रखवाली कर रहा है, वह मुझे कुछ आँसू दे रहा है, वह मुझे थोड़ा आंसू दे रहा है, मेरी बाँह ऊपर है, मुझे बताओ, कोई और है जो मुझे एक और देता है, उसकी पीठ पर स्नेह का स्पर्श, एक चूहे की तरह , समय - समय पर। वह अपने आंसू छिपा रही है।

जब मैं उम्मीद खो देता हूं, तो मैं खुद को निराशा की स्थिति में, खुशी की स्थिति में, संकट की स्थिति में, जोखिम की स्थिति में पाता हूं।

उसके गले में कुछ हमेशा के लिए है।

My country is my mother too (English) :-

When we is call mother, she is played every day from the ground to the sky, but she is in my consciousness, she is in my pain, and she is in my prayers, she is a goddess who is on my back, Roshan. My entire existence. He is guarding my way, he is giving me some tears, he is giving me a little tear, my arm is up, tell me, there is someone else who gives me another, a touch of affection on his back, Like a rat, from time to time. She is hiding her tears.

When I lose hope, I find myself in a state of despair, in a state of happiness, in a state of crisis, in a state of risk.

Something is forever around his neck.

Odisha Incredible India :-

Now our Odisha is proceeding to become a popular state And Odisha (formerly known as Orissa) is an Indian state on the subcontinent's eastern part and this is a nice state . It is the beginning the eastern part and the end. It is surrounded by the Indian states of West Bengal to The North East, Jharkhand to the North, Chhatishgarh to the West and North - West and Andhra Pradesh to the south Odisha also has approx 480 km of KALINGA, which was invaded by the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka in 261 BC resulting in the Bloody Kalinga War. The modern state of Orissa was established on 1 April 1936, As province in British India and consisted predominantly of oriya speakers 1 April is therefore celebrated as UTKALA DIBAS (Foundation Day of Odisha). The region is also known as UTKALA when mentioned in India's national Anthem "Janagana Mana". Cuttack remained the capital of the state for over eight countries until 13 April 1948 when Bhubaneswar was officially declared as the new state capital a position is still holds.

Now Odisha is the 9th largest state by area in India. The 11th largest State by population in India. Before the position of Odisha population increases time to time, it is used to move all important things. Because on this direction didn't stop by peoples. Now  Oriya (officially spelled odia) is the official and most widely spoken language, spoken by three quarters of the population. The social structure of Odisha is to large extent based on cast structure and cast identies. As the narrow sectional loyalties based on cast had done much harm to the state during the British rule. "Then the peoples are research very few dietic restrictions, many outside people's caste and even religious but this doesn't mean that they have escaped the bones of caste entirely. They show caste attitude in surprising contexts."

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